Personalized Medicine & Wellness Unique to You
Wellness & Medicine That Is Precise
Personalized medicine, also referred to as precision medicine, is a medical model that separates people into different groups—with medical decisions, practices, interventions and/or products being tailored to the individual patient based on their predicted response or risk of disease.
A Unique Approach to Health & Wellness
The future of medicine involves precision care. Currently the United States of America spends more money in health care when compared to all other countries. And yet, despite this spending, our overall rank in health is towards the lowest end when compared to other countries. This is a complicated equation, but can be simplified. Bottom line, the "shoe-box" delivery of care is failing us when it comes to managing chronic illnesses. Something has to change. The change is tailoring treatment modalities that are unique to each individual. Our teams at Aquarius Medical Spa customize and tailor therapies that are unique to your given needs by leveraging evidence-based alternative therapies along with conventional standards of care. Synergizing alternative medicine with conventional medicine creates a model of health care delivery that is termed Integrative/Functional Medicine.